Network Topology

The bus topology is a stretch of one cable with both ends closed, where there is a cable along the nodes. Signal in the cable with this topology are skipped one direction to allow a collision occurs. To make the interconnection between computers, bus topology using the T-Connector (with a 50ohm terminator on the end of the network).

The main difficulty of using cable sepaksi is difficult to gauge whether the cable used sepaksi really matched or not. Because if not truly be measured correctly will damage the NIC (network interface card) that is used and the performance of the network becomes blocked, do not reach maximum capacity. This topology is also often used in fiber optic network with a base (which later merged with a star topology to connect with a client or a node.).

At the two ends of a bus topology network must be terminated with a terminator. Barrel connector can be used to expand it. Network consists of only one cable channel that uses a BNC cable. Computers that want to connect to the network can link her with Ethernetnya to tap along the cable.

Bus network installation is very simple, inexpensive and consist of a maximum of 5-7 computers. The difficulty is often encountered is the possibility of data collision because the mechanism is relatively simple network and if one is broken then the node will disrupt the entire network performance and traffic.

There are also advantages for the user as follows;

  • cheap, because it does not wear a lot of media and cable that can be used easily to the right or widely available in the market.
  • each computer can exchange information, whether it be text, images, and video directly.


  • frequent hangs / Crass talk, ie when more than one pair of wear track at the same time had to take turns or plus relays.

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