Computer Network Installation

Computer network instalation - Before discussing about how to install a computer network, known in advance what exactly komputer. In the referred with a simple network of computer networks is 2 (two) or more computers that are interconnected to one another, each electronic communicate, sharing of resources (such as cd-rom , printers, file sharing, file exchange, internet, etc.) and also are able to use the same computer resources are connected to one another are usually can be connected through various media such as cable media, radio waves, satellites, infra-red. There is 3 different types of networks, namely:

1.Local Area Network (LAN)
2.Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
3.Wide Area Network (WAN)

As we know that at this time, the network komputerterus growing more rapidly. Almost every company in various fields already use the network in their business activities. Included in residential areas throughout the world for communicate with each other. In this unit of competency participants will learn about the Local Area Network (LAN) having a much smaller scope than the MAN and WAN

Before you start installing computer networks, the first we must think about what topology design that will be used. Topology is the pattern adopted in the weave network that shows how the shape of the relationship between the server and workstation systems lainnya.Ada several topologies commonly used, namely;

1.Topology Star (Star)
 Ie topology which makes computer servers service center point for all workstations
2.Topology Linear Bus
 Ie workstations interconnected with a cable line up the wrong one end connected to the server via a Hub
3. Topology Ring (Ring)
 That server is connected to multiple workstations form a circle (ring).

 4.Topology Tree
 Namely the merger of several smaller bus lane into a large jalurbus. is an extension of Linear bus topology.

Once we know the system topology to be used, we can prepare the necessary equipment if the operating system sertamengidentifikasi
that there are possible kitauntuk make the system topology we have chosen. In addition, we also must prepare drivers that can make hardware devices that we install will be able to work optimally.

Setting up a Network Device Driver Installation Package

The software consists of a network driver interface (NIC), network operating system or Network Operating System (NOS), Network Application, Application Management and Application Diagnostic / Monitoring and Backup Applications. Some of these elements bundled in one package NOS and partly shaped as a third-party software.

Bridge with the network card driver software network in server or workstation side. Network card driver specific to the type of network card and operating system used, usually other than provided by the vendor, the card makers also sometimes provided by network operating system vendor. If you lose your NIC drivers that you can still search through the internet to your site or another site the vendor its NOS.

Type of driver that was developed there were two of the Open Data-Link Interface (ODI) and
Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS).

Network Operating System running on the server and responsible for process the request, manage the network, and mengendalikanlayanan and devices to all workstations. NOS can just change the file system used on the workstation in a transparent manner, for example padasistem Novell Netware, Windows workstation using the FAT filesystem and server are using Netware File System, another instance of Windows to a Linux Samba connections.

Each workstation requires a client to dapatberkomunikasi NOS applications with the server. These applications are often also referred to as a shell, the redirector, requestor or client. In general NOS client already bundled in the operating system, such as Samba client on Windows is included in the Explorer.

Application Aware Network is a bundle of server applications designed specifically for network systems. This application has the properties aware of the access network systems such as recording, aksestertentu restrictions, etc.. Sophisticated applications in the world of client / server can even divide the process into other machines apart. In Linux contohnyaadalah Beowulf.Network project management software is network monitoring software yangberfungsi. Element of bias in the form of network activity is monitored, life / death of nodes, etc.. Protocol Simple Network Management Protocol. function for this, if all nodes support the SNMP-agent monitoring software can monitor all activitiesnodes such that occur in the performance of processor, RAM usage, traffic input / output etc.. One of these applications are developed in Linux NetSaint and MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher). Backup application in NOS become one of the things that pentingdalam tissue, NOS is usually bundle these applications in the package. Backups can be done in software or hardware, the software an administrator can perform remote backups to mesinlain periodically, usually done in hardware backups with disk-mirroring.

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