Setting Belkin Router

Setting Belkin RouterThe following are some things that MUST be set before you use the Belkin Router for the network of SAP.

LAN Settings (Setting the IP Address)

Unlike the D-Link AP brand that uses the default IP Apparently the brand Belkin Router & AccessPoint using the default IP So if you want to access the router settings menu, the PC that will access stations must use the range / group of the same IP, ie 192.168.2 .......

This default IP can be directly used, just a PC client that follows its course. But if it does not deign to use the default IP, then the user can change the LAN Settings from the menu. Settings through the browser with the address Utility of the display Settup Belkin Router will appear in the display. If you do not use it to access INTERNET MODEM, then DO NOT NEED to install the driver CD from the Router. Settup utility menu can be accessed directly from the browser with the default IP. Admin password at the initial setting is empty.

REMEMBER, if using a router / access point is more than one, then each - each should be given a different IP address, such as sequential:

Belkin Router 1 =
Belkin router 2 =
Belkin Router 3 =
Belkin Router 4 =, and so on If the dizziness / forgotten passwords to settup that has been done, press the RESET BUTTON on the router / AP for a few seconds. Then the router / AP will be back at factory default settings.

IP Pool Seeting: used to set the order of IP in the same network, the default is the beginning of 2 s / d 100. Then the PC in the same network must use the IP range of 2 s / d 100. This setting does not need to be changed is not a problem, except if the PC in the network more than 100 pieces, then the setting can be changed from 2 s / d 255, for example.
Lease Time: Choose Forever, keeping the connection from PC to Router / Access Point forever, without the dashed like a network connection using a cable.


Channel and SSID is the menu to give the naming of Router / AP. It's important to do, especially if using Router / AP is more than one. Defaulnya use belkin54g name. We can change, for example with the name SAP_DPRD_1, if there is another router that is used, can use the name SAP_DPRD_2, SAP_DPRD_3, and so on.

Channel: the number of PCs that can connect through the router / AP in question.
Wireless Mode: Select 54G Auto, then the router / AP will automatically detect the connection of a PC that uses a type of 802.11g wireless card.


IMPORTANT that each router / AP is attached is given the password, not just the password to enter the setup menu its utility, but also the password to log into the network router / AP it.

Select WPA-PSK (No Server), then give the password below. At least 8 characters, it is advisable to use a combination of numbers and letters. If there is a USB / Card with adapters that do not support WPA-PSK, it can use other options, namely 128bitWEP or 64bitWEP. See the manual for more details. Protection BEST (BEST) dalah using WPA-PSK. See the book of the manual for more details.

After connection to the Router / AP is given the password, then any existing PC USB connection adapter will not fit directly into the network router.

By using a USB Belkin. Do the following:

  • Go to the Belkin USB adapter program contained on the monitor screen, or on the menu bar on the right existing under the windows.
  • Next will appear Belkin Wireless Monitor program. In the Current Profile field will be empty, because I have found no AP or Router is read in the USB Adapter.
  • There is also a symbol with a CROSS between image Laptop with Router.
  • Sign in to the Profile Settings tab menu.
  • Then press the Add button
  • Enter a profile name, the name may be different profuile by name Router / AP that in fact, but should equate it with the name of the Router / AP will be accessible though not dizzy, especially when using a Router / AP is more than one. In the example I still use a naming defauklt from Belkin Router, which is belkin54g.
  • Press Next, fill in the Network Name field with the name of Router / AP will be accessible.Choice Network Type = Access Point and Transfer Rate = Automatic.
  • Press Next. On the Authentication Mode options, choose WPA-PSK, according to the type of password that we give to the router settings above.
  • Select TKIP, and press Next.
  • Finally given a password in accordance with the password in the settings on the Router / AP, ie in our example using passwordketupatsayur. password is caseSensitive, so uppercase letters are not the same as the small.
  • Complete signature, then the profile that we make will be entered into the list of profile. The final step is to press the Connect and wait a few moments, then the PC will be connected to the Router / AP.

In the figure, was seen when the PC is connected to the Router / AP. Do the same on the next PC. Do not forget to give a different IP address on any other computer.

MAKE SURE the PC is connected to Roputer / AP. Use a small program IP Anggry to see a list of existing IP. If the IP address of PC that we set the IP Address and Router / AP is listed in the IP program Anggry, then the network setup is successful. Do the same on any other computer.

Better yet jiga tried it with 2 PC's, if the two PCs that can connect with each other through the router / AP, Wireless network setup is successful.

Press the MORE button to display the details of the connection belkin info.

= is the IP address of Router / AP

= is your IP address.

  • Do not use the settings from Windows (see red circle above)
  • Log into the Wireless Adapter settings menu of the program is concerned, from a group of D-Link menu.
  • Kilik SiteSurvey menu, press the Refresh button if no list of Router / AP is there.
  • If there is already a list of Router / AP is there, then display the menu Klika Connectuntuk passwords and so forth.
After the Connect button is pressed, the dialog menu will appear as below. In the Security Mode option, select WPA-PSK, and enter the password twice in the column underneath the existing password. Click the button if you want a typed unmask we fill visible, or vice versa.

If WPA-PSK password is correct, then click the Apply button.

After pressing the Apply button, then the PC will be able to begin to connect with the router / AP.


In system settings, there will be a column to give a PASSWORD is used to enter the SETUP UTILITY. Give the password, so that not just anyone can change the settings on the Router / AP is already installed.

ROUTER RESTART menu, serves to restart the Router / AP if the router is experiencing performance problems. So do not pull power. Especially if the router is installed in place are difficult to reach, or above the ceiling.


Belkin router apparently can double as a router at the same time can also be an AP.Without connection with MODEM, then the router just like the AP function, so it's no longer need to make it as AP. AP settings as necessary if you want to add a connection between the AP as we add HUB kalai more than one at a same network.


The menus of other works if the Belkin Router that serves as a connection to the Internet memalui Modem. So I have described here are the menus that are important to settup Belkin Router to the LAN only, or as an AP.

REMEMBER, do not need to install drivers Router. Simply set all the PCs with the same IP range, will be able to directly enter the Setup Utility by entering the address (or use the IP router in accordance with the setting ever conducted)

If anyone missed, please read the manual of the router.

12 comments on Setting Belkin Router :

aisha said... on December 30, 2011 at 1:09 AM

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Anonymous said... on February 3, 2014 at 4:47 AM

great post...Thanks!!

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Anonymous said... on April 7, 2017 at 4:30 AM

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Admin said... on May 9, 2017 at 10:41 PM

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Belkin Router said... on October 12, 2020 at 12:26 AM

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